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Nicola Vinall Nutrition

Take Control of Menopause Programme

4 Month high level 1:1 Programme

As a nutritional therapist, I've designed a comprehensive 4-month programme specifically tailored for women navigating the complexities of perimenopause and menopause, no matter when this happens.


Understanding the multifaceted nature of menopause, this programme covers a variety of crucial topics because simplifying menopause to just hormonal changes is inadequate and rarely adequate.


We tailor the topics according to your symptoms and history.

Mature Woman Closed Eyes

Take Control of Menopause Package

Stress Management: Techniques to help alleviate stress, which is a significant contributor to menopause symptoms.

Sleep Hygiene: Strategies to improve your sleep quality.

Nutritional Optimisation: Guidance on enhancing your diet and digestion.

Blood Sugar Balance: Tips on how to stabilise your blood sugar levels.

Reducing Anti-nutrients: Reducing the impact of anti-nutrients like caffeine and alcohol.

Exercise: Advice on supportive forms of exercise for menopause.

Gut Health and Detox: Ways to support your gut health and detoxification processes.

Breathing Techniques: Different methods to destress, including Buteyko breathing.

Specialised support

I offer specialised support for managing anxiety through Buteyko breathing techniques, which are now included in our program as a certified Buteyko Breathing Instructor.


Having trained with Jolene Parks, I also offer a 'Grey Area' drinking program for those addressing alcohol consumption.


These targeted additions address common issues like anxiety and alcohol use, which often exacerbate menopausal symptoms, providing a well-rounded approach to managing this life stage effectively.

Nicola Vinall Nutritionist

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Buteyko Breathing & Navigating the Grey Area

Let's talk more about 'Grey Area Drinking'. This refers to the place between every now and then occasional social drinking and harmful, rock-bottom alcohol consumption. Not only this but you'll get my book on Buteyko Breathing, helping you with anything from Racing mind, high stress, panic disorder, anxiety & trauma.

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